Tuesday, February 5, 2013

From Race Track to First Field

Al's been doing great this year. He's hunting first field now and getting braver every week. He stands at the checks like a pro, worries a bit at reversals but keeps his cool and slaloms through the trees with the best of them. He's getting much lighter in my hands as he's learning that his job now is to stay in the back and be a gentleman. This is not the Derby. We had a great day at Station Road a couple of weeks ago. There was a tricky combination over a fallen tree coming out of the stream and we took it beautifully. The scenting conditions were great in the still air and misty rain. Sir Reynard was seen fleeing over a hill and the hounds worked at finding him again for quite some time until eventually sending him to ground in a rocky hill face.

Here we are with Orange County during the Junior Field Hunter Championships Qualifier. We brought down a Junior and enjoyed a gorgeous day of hunting. Those ring-necked hounds are something else! Their stamina and game was a sight to behold.

Roxy was diagnosed with severe arthritis this fall. She was on the mend after an IRAP treatment and then got her shoulder caught on an exposed gate hinge. She's almost recovered from that so I hope to take her out to hunt at some point this year. This photo is from a hunter pace back in Missouri. Maryland is closer to home but I sure miss everyone back in St. Louis!

Work on the house is coming along. I haven't had a change to paint anything more than drywall and trim recently. Some day I'll get back to it and post something other than horse pictures.